
Performance Times

    What the hell is this engine?

    by David Zemla / January 20, 2022

    engine graphic for blog

    S&S has been building complete engines for decades and there are quite a few in the field. Many are now on their third and fourth owners and more often than not the original information on the engine has not made it to the new owner.  Not surprisingly one of the most frequently seen tech questions is “What is this engine?”

    Maybe you picked up a vintage Big Dog or found a great deal on Marketplace, either way, the insides of that engine could be a real mystery. With that in mind, we have published a new Serial Number Look-Up tool on our site. Simply key in the serial number found on the primary side of your S&S engine and it will populate with detail on your engine. Keep in mind, many have left here as just crankcases and that will limit the amount of information we have on the build. 

    Keep this link handy, next time you are looking at an older S&S engine, you’ll be able to get instant info on what it is and when it was produced. 

    Find the S&S Engine Serial Look-Up by clicking here.

    You can find your Serial Number on this plate below the cylinders on the primary side of your engine:

    serial number example


    In some instances, you may also find your Serial Number on a plate on the right side of the engine:

    Screen Shot 2021-07-14 at 10.11.31 AM


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